RNBXclusive is a popular site for music sharing and was visited by millions of monthly users before its .com domain was seized. This was due to the accusations that the site used hackers to gain content by penetrating artists’ emails and websites. The site remains one of the most viewed for RnB fans as well as fans of similar music tastes. The new domain rnbxclusive.se now stands tall and offers free music to anyone; including daily updates of tracks, albums, and discographies.
A very impressive functionality for a site that provides free content. The categories offer easier movement throughout the site and some popular categories are exclusives and videos that provide new content as soon as it’s available. The categories on the right are recent posts and upcoming albums which help users quickly gain insight into the popular recent uploads that are one click away. The site is basically used by many loyal visitors that also contribute by advertising thus making the site very stable in its functionality. The download category takes you directly to categories of albums, mixtapes, tracks, and monthly tapes that you can download easily. Meanwhile the download steps are one of the fastest as the direct link is provided next to the song.
Design and Suggestions
One of the best designs around is RNBXclusive’s. The cool looking background offers a certain darker appeal that highly matches RnB style as well as similar genres. Combining the darker appeal with the dark blue color gives the site a very beautiful design while only the two colors dominate throughout the site. Furthermore, each post is attractively uploaded in a scrolling style, giving in a retro appeal. One small thing that hurts my eye a bit is the search bar’s placement and the fact that it is full-on white. I would recommend giving it a blackish color as well as moving it on the front of the site.
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