Registration: Privacy Protection Service, Inc. (Australia)
Hosting Provider: Mir Telematiki Ltd. (Russia)
Revenue Sources: Advertising, pay-per-install of potential malware.
This site has been in operation for over 7 years and continues to remain popular as pre-release music can be directly downloaded from the site. There are currently over 88,475 music titles on the site, in comparison to 52,000 last year. The site used to be hosted from France by OVH Sarl, but in 2015 the site moved to a new hosting provider located in Russia, MIR TELEMATIKI. The site has a global Alexa ranking of 20,541 and a ranking of 498 in Spain (81.8% of the visitors to the site are from Spain). The site receives in excess of around 45,000 unique users per day.
The site has over a dozen music sections where users can upload and download infringing files. There are normally many links to cyberlockers from where the most popular albums and tracks can be downloaded. By providing multiple links the site ensures this material is always available for download. This site is clearly designed and operated to maximize its role as a distributor of infringing content, and is actively engaged in ensuring that content remains available.
In 2012, the Spanish music industry submitted a complaint to the IPC regarding this site. The case was closed in January 2014 as the site had removed the infringing links detailed in the complaint.