Pornhub is a Porn2.0 website part of the pornhub network which includes several popular porn sites like tube8, youporn and redtube. The major usp of the site is user uploaded porn videos. Like many porn sites they have a huge collection of port videos. recently they launched a premium port service which removes ads and lets you download hd porn directly to you devices. All videos are categorized into several relevant categories and it has a total of 50 categories and 100000 hd videos. They have been features in press many times and have been controversial for their ads and malware installed thru ads. Due to its licentious nature the site has been blocked in UK, Russia and EU. They also participate in occasional charitable activities which sets them apart from normal port sites. They even invented a gadget which recharges when you masturebate :P. They allow public registration through which users can post videos and get paid for their amateur footage. The site is currently available in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Russian and Japanese languages.
Update: The proxies are working again