The site was formerly known as bomb-mp3, while now it is known as mp3va or MP Eva. The site is very well made and as a music provider it is one of the cheapest sites. Of course this means the site is absolutely not free, but in terms of costs most tracks cost less than 10 cents while newer ones cost just below one dollar. The site is hugely updated daily with the latest albums, hits, and discographies, so as a paying user, you will not regret spending your money here.
Naturally, a site that provides services for pay almost never fails in functionality. This one is very beautifully put together beginning with the nice-looking search bar that you can search the music through, as well as decide if you want to browse more songs, soundtracks, new releases, and charts to view the current best songs and albums. The site also offers free registration and two free tracks upon registering, which is not a bad deal. The banner in the middle of the site offers current special offers such as father’s day specials that give large bonuses to the purchaser. Functionality-wise users can easily maneuver through song searching and even view the latest albums as they come out and get special prices for them. And to conclude, the site is legit in selling its music so do not fear for your money, but as always you can use a side credit card or PayPal account just to be safe.
Design and Suggestions
The design is very attractive, beginning with the logo as well as the name Mp Eva whom I supposed is the girl in the logo carrying a flower. The site is very scalable to any width you require which allows for effective viewing by anyone. Every inch of the page is well contained and well designed and the bottom of the page offers ultimate support for users as well as information on compatibility with your devices, software, etc. I have absolutely no suggestions for this site and reviewing it was a great pleasure.
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