Movie4k which is formerly movie2k is a movie streaming link aggregation website. It is daily updated with new links and dead links are culled with the help of community. It has almost 30K movies and 10K tv series. and many more xxx movie streaming links. All of these videos are categorized into 20 categories and users can register and add new links. This site has been blocked in UK according to court orders in 2013 June. So the domain has been moved to movie4k. The website is also available in 6 different languages. Each movie link is rated for quality by the community with a great commenting system.
Movie2K and Movie4k proxy, unblock
US Proxy 1 UK Proxy 2 Europe Proxy 3 Aus Proxy 4 Indian Proxy 5 Malaysia Proxy 6 Proxy 7 Proxy 8 Proxy 9